Believe it or not, making it a pizza isn't that hard, so don't resort to ordering out tonight. Try out this quick and easy pizza recipe. Once you have your dough ready to go, and your pizza sauce already made, you just need to start stretching and forming the dough. Punch it out and keep it circular, but it doesn't need to stay perfect. Just try to get the air out, otherwise burnt bubbles will result.
From how2heroes:
"Learn the ropes for building crispy, chewy, flavor-packed fresh pizza. Remon Karian starts with an Easy Pizza Dough, then convinces us that, yes, maybe we could give it a few tosses in the air. After that, add his vibrant Pizza Sauce and bake. Oven temperatures vary, so whether using a pizza stone or a baking sheet, keep a close eye on your prize. It's ready when beautifully golden brown."
* pizza dough
* semolina, flour or a combination for dusting work surface, pizza peel and/or baking pans
* pizza sauce
* shredded cheese (Parmesan or Romano suggested)
* vegetable and/or meat toppings of choice
Bake - Using a Pizza Stone
1. If using a pizza stone, place the stone on the bottom of a cold oven and turn the oven to 500º
2. Remove hot stone from oven (carefully!) and dust with semolina. Transfer formed and topped dough to stone, place back in oven on bottom rack
3. Bake anywhere from 7-10-15 minutes, until crust is golden brown. Oven temperatures vary, so keep an eye on the pizza to prevent burning
Bake - Using a Baking Sheet or Pizza Round
1. Preheat oven to 400º if using sheet tray or pizza round
2. Dust pan with semolina, and place formed and topped dough on top
3. Bake on bottom rack for about 12-15-20 minutes, until crust is golden brown. Again, oven temperatures vary, so keep an eye on the pizza to prevent burning
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